Seeds of Wisdom

In a town in Central America, there was an annual corn growing contest. After the contest one year, the winner did something unexpected. He handed his winning seeds over to his competitors and told them “Take these seeds and plant them. Next year we will come back and compete again.”
The next year he won the contest again. He walked around to his competitors, handing his winning seeds out to them, and said,
Plant them. And next year, we will come back and compete again.
The man continued winning the contest for 6 straight years. Each year he distributed his winning seeds to his competitors. A journalist then asked him,
Wouldn't it be easier if you kept the quality seeds for yourself instead of sharing them with other people? You would win easily every year.

He responded:
You don't understand plant cultivation. Have you ever heard of mutation? If my field has good seeds, but my neighbors only have bad seeds, one day wind will blow pollen from the bad varieties into my field and diminish the quality of my crop. Isn’t it better if everyone has good seeds? If so, when we compete, those who work hard on watering and tilling their soil will do better.

We have a saying- If you have a seed of wisdom in your mind, and you keep it to yourself instead of sharing it with others, the day will come when you die, and that seed will die with you. It is important in life to share good ideas and knowledge. The more we spread them, the more we receive in return. This is something that causes us to have increased success while also living in a way that gives value to society.